On November 18, 2020, over 20 committed Christian leaders from across the country gathered for a virtual meeting. Bishop Timothy Wynn (Plant4Harvest, Tampa, FL) began the meeting with a prayer and then shared with the group his vision and why these leaders were called together. That night, he announced the Plant4Harvest Christian Leadership Cohort 2021! Wynn expressed, “We are looking for 12 leaders who are transforming communities for Christ. We want to walk with them for a year and pour into them.”
Dr. Robert Owens (Rivers of Life Ministry, Atlanta, GA) shared his years of experience in building ministries, mentoring leaders, and transforming communities. His desire is to, “open up my head and allow you to take the parts of my wisdom that you need to fulfill the purpose God has for your ministry.” Owens, also talked about knowing the realities of ministering in under resourced communities, “Ministry work is tiring. You need to have an “Aaron and Hur” who will lift your hands.” Owens was referring to Exodus 17:12 (NIV), “When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.” It is a picture of a leader needing support and when Moses' arms were raised, the people of God were victorious in battle. Anthony D. Bobo, Jr. (The Joseph Factor Group, National Harbor, MD) outlined the one year cohort. Bishop Timothy Wynn, Dr. Robert Owens, Dr. Efrem Smith (Bayside Church Midtown, Sacramento, CA), and Anthony D. Bobo, Jr. will lead the cohort. There will be six months of classes covering Christian leadership, preaching, identifying supporters (funders, ministers, board members, etc.) and other tools for ministering in under resourced communities. The second six months will be intensive one-on-one mentoring addressing the specific challenges of the participants' ministry, fulfilling ministry vision, and redesigning the church. Bobo shared, “Once we gather, we become a network. Beyond that, all of us are bringing our networks to the table. We are bringing our networks to the table for you because we believe that God will transform communities through the work you are doing.” By the next morning, we had 12 people selected for the cohort! Praise The Lord! The Plant4Harvest Christian Leadership Cohort begins January 14, 2021. If you would like to sponsor and support the cohort, please contact Timothy Wynn ([email protected]). Please pray for us as we strive to do God's will and give leaders the tools to see their God given purpose realized. Comments are closed.